Monday, February 15, 2010

PADEP Proposes Revisions to NPDES Regulations

See 40 Pa. Bull. 847 (Feb.13, 2010) for extensive proposed revision to Chapter 92.  This section would be reorganized as well as adding several provisions necessary for consistency with EPA regulations, including Phase II Stormwater regulations.  There are new definitions and deletion of some existing definitions. There is also a revision of section 92.2 listing EPA regulatory provisions that are incorporated by reference.  If you are involved with municipal sewage treatment plants, take a look at proposed provisions to the secondary treatment requirements as well as a new "technology based" tertiary treatment requirement applicable to facilities which expand hydraulic capacity or increase pollutant loadings and discharge to an stream on the "impaired" list.  For industrial facilities, they are proposing a technology-based limit of 50 mg/l CBOD and 60 mg/l TSS regardless of federal effluent limitation guidelines.   Public comments are due by March 15. 

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